
  • Trademark Law In India
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 27. 06:01
    Trademark Law In India Trademark registration process in india
    1. Best Trademark Law Firms In India
    2. Trademark Law Firms In India
    3. Trademark Law In India Pdf

    Passing off is the law of tort which is used to enforce the exclusive right of the proprietor whereas trademark infringement is a statutory provision given under section 27of Trademark Act, 1999.Indian law recognises passing off as common law right of the trademark owner so that he can take action against them.

    Article by Vijay Pal Dalmia, Advocate Partner & Headof Intellectual Property Laws Division, Vaish Associates Advocates,New Delhi IndiaIndia's obligations under the TRIPS Agreement for protectionof trademarks, inter alia, include protection to distinguishingmarks, recognition of service marks, indefinite periodical renewalof registration, abolition of compulsory licensing of trademarks,etc.With the globalization of trade, brand names, trade names,marks, etc. Have attained an immense value that require uniformminimum standards of protection and efficient procedures forenforcement as were recognised under the TRIPS. In view of thesame, extensive review and consequential amendment of the oldIndian Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 was carried out andthe new Trade Marks Act, 1999 was enacted. The said Act of 1999,with subsequent amendments, conforms to the TRIPS and is inaccordance with the international systems and practices.The Trade Marks Act provides, inter alia, for registration ofservice marks, filing of multiclass applications, increasing theterm of registration of a trademark to ten years as well asrecognition of the concept of well-known marks, etc. The Indianjudiciary has been proactive in the protection of trademarks, andit has extended the protection under the trademarks law to DomainNames as demonstrated in landmark cases of Tata Sons Ltd.

    ManuKosuri & Ors, 90 (2001) DLT 659 and Yahoo Inc. Akash Arora1999 PTC 201.India, being a common law country, follows not only the codifiedlaw, but also common law principles, and as such provides forinfringement as well as passing off actions against violation oftrademarks. Section 135 of the Trade Marks Act recognises bothinfringement as well as passing off actions. Well-known Trademark and Trans Border ReputationIndia recognises the concept of the 'Well-knownTrademark' and the 'Principle of Trans BorderReputation'.

    A well-known Trademark in relation to any goodsor services means a mark that has become so to the substantialsegment of the public, which uses such goods or receives suchservices such that the use of such a mark in relation to othergoods and services is likely to be taken as indicating a connectionbetween the two marks.Trans Border Reputation concept was recognised and discussed bythe Apex Indian Court in the landmark case of N. Dongre v.Whirlpool (1996) 5SCC 714.

    The Trademark 'WHIRLPOOL' washeld to have acquired reputation and goodwill in India. The Mark'WHIRLPOOL' was also held to have become associated inthe minds of the public with Whirlpool Corporation on account ofcirculation of the advertisements in the magazines despite noevidence of actual sale. Hence, the trademark WHIRLPOOL was held tohave acquired trans-border reputation which enjoys protection inIndia, irrespective of its actual user or registration inIndia. Legal Remedies against Infringement and/or PassingoffUnder the Trade Marks Act, both civil and criminal remedies aresimultaneously available against infringement and passing off.Infringement of trademark is violation of theexclusive rights granted to the registered proprietor of thetrademark to use the same. A trademark is said to be infringed by aperson, who, not being a permitted user, uses an identical/similar/ deceptively similar mark to the registered trademarkwithout the authorization of the registered proprietor of thetrademark.

    Best Trademark Law Firms In India

    However, it is pertinent to note that the Indiantrademark law protects the vested rights of a prior user against aregistered proprietor which is based on common law principles.Passing off is a common law tort used toenforce unregistered trademark rights. Passing off essentiallyoccurs where the reputation in the trademark of party A ismisappropriated by party B, such that party B misrepresents asbeing the owner of the trademark or having some affiliation/nexuswith party A, thereby damaging the goodwill of party A. For anaction of passing off, registration of a trademark isirrelevant.Registration of a trademark is not a pre-requisite in order tosustain a civil or criminal action against violation of trademarksin India.

    In India, a combined civil action for infringement oftrademark and passing off can be initiated.Significantly, infringement of a trademark is a cognizableoffence and criminal proceedings can be initiated against theinfringers. Such enforcement mechanisms are expected to boost theprotection of marks in India and reduce infringement andcontravention of trademarks. Relief granted by Courts in Suits for Infringement andPassing offThe relief which a court may usually grant in a suit forinfringement or passing off includes permanent and interiminjunction, damages or account of profits, delivery of theinfringing goods for destruction and cost of the legalproceedings.The order of interim injunction may be passed ex parte or afternotice.

    Trademark Law Firms In India

    A trademark comes under the protection of Intellectual Property Rights. WIPO defines a trademark as a sign which is capable of distinctly distinguishing the goods or services of one individual or enterprise from those of other individuals or enterprises. 1A trademark is a visual symbol/a distinctive mark or design used by an individual or a company. The trademark helps the consumer identify the products and services of a particular individual/organization/company. They have been in existence as along as trade itself when makers started to “mark” their wares with a word or a symbol to help identify the maker and have been unearthed in excavations from China, India, Persia, Egypt, Rome, Greece, and so on, dating back almost 4000 years. 2A trademark’s main functions are identification of goods and distinguishing them, signifying source of goods, signifying quality of goods and advertisement of goods. 3 Additionally, trademark protection aims to prevent the use of fraudulent marks.

    Trademark Law In India Pdf

    With developments in trade and commerce in the era of globalization, the need for encouragement of investment flows and transfer of technology and the need for harmonization and simplification of the trademark management system, trademarks have today acquired the goodwill and reputation of consumers. 4The international status of Trademark SystemTo fulfill the object and aims of trademarks, and in consonance with its functions, all the countries have unequivocally accepted the eight fundamental principles of trademark protection. It has been observed that,“ it is of the highest importance that in such an important branch of commercial law as that relating to trademarks there should be uniformity as far as possible in all countries administering the same system of law.” 5The eight fundamental principles governing each of such countries including India, USA, and the EU are as follows:. It is common knowledge that trademark registration confers upon the proprietor a monopoly right to use the concerned mark.

    Trademark Law In India
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